April Milestones


I love the transitions that April brings, when finally –finally– the plants come alive.  Willow buds and plum blossoms stand out vibrant against the dark rain clouds.  It’s a sign that things are moving forward.  But April is also a time to look back, full of anniversaries such as:

  • Birthdays: So many of my friends, family, and acquaintances have their birthdays in April.  Sometimes we celebrate more than one on the same day.
  • Centennial of the Battle of Vimy Ridge: On April 9th, Canadian soldiers successfully stormed the stronghold of Vimy Ridge.  Many also consider that victory a mark of Canada’s coming of age.
  • Passover: Passover may be the oldest celebration I know of, and carries significance for Jews and Christians alike.  This year Passover aligns with Holy Week, which brings us to…
  • Resurrection Sunday: How great is our death-conquering God!  ‘I will not boast in anything- No gifts, no power, no wisdom.  But I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection!’

Many of these highlights evoke sacrifice, but they reinforce that the loss was to make way for the gain- even gain still to come.  That’s the thing about milestones.  They are not just for looking back- they’re for looking back with the now and the future in mind.

April is also the month I launched To be a Shennachie.  It’s only one year, but for me this is a milestone.  I’ve learned to not only create something, but afterwards to set it loose.  It’s still a little intimidating, but it’s also inspiring- to realize that it can be done after all.  I am further inspired whenever someone shows an interest in what I have to share.   Little by little, I am learning to be more intentional with what I create.  I look forward to seeing where this journey leads.



4 thoughts on “April Milestones

  1. Another beautiful post, Blue! I love how you pointed out so many of these April celebrations have something to do with sacrifice. Even birthdays are a chance to reflect on the many sacrifices our parents make for us!

    A blessed Easter!!


    1. Thanks!
      This is true. I kind of see birthdays the way I see New Years Day. I’m happy to see the new, but I’ve grown accustomed to the old and I’m sorry to see it gone. Perhaps I’m too nostalgic for my own good.

      Thank you- He is risen!


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